Promoted by Dharamshi family and led by Ravi Dharamshi who is Founder & MD. Dharamshi family have been investors in Indian equity markets for over 3 decades now. ValueQuest PMS was launched in 2010 and has been able to generate consistent returns over this time period.
Wisdom to See, Fortitude to Hold, Courage to Capitalize is the mantra ingrained in VQ’s DNA and serves as the guiding force and the Edge in investing.
PMS Product Performance
Company Name / Product Name |
Date of inception | AUM | 1y return | 2y return | 3y return | 5y return | 10y return | Since inception return |
ValueQuest Poise Scheme | 10 Feb 2022 | - | 29.95% | 39.39% | - | - | - | 30.51% |
ValueQuest Growth Scheme | 07 Oct 2010 | 1789.7 | 44.99% | 40.53% | 22.95% | 31.22% | 19.75% | 19.70% |
ValueQuest Platinum Scheme | 24 Jul 2014 | 1937.8 | 47.27% | 41.58% | 27.44% | 36.16% | - | 22.43% |