We are pleased to share our latest AIF CAT III Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 31st October 2021 where the focus of our study in the newsletter is to show that though there is alpha in PMSs, outperformance is limited, and hence, the right selection of portfolios is very important. We call this an analysis-backed, high-performance, focused, and informed approach to making quality investments. Our 5P Analysis coupled with our QRC Approach helps us screen the best suited PMSs and AIFs for our clients.

Take a look at the November 2021 edition of the AIF Performance Factsheet where we deep dive to understand how CAT III AIFs have performed as of 31st October 2021.

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Our endeavors are to determine the Quality, Risk, and Consistency attributes (QRC). We present all data and analytics with an endeavor and the aim of informed investment decisions. If you are looking to invest and are not able to decide between PMS and Mutual Funds, or between PMS and Alternative investment funds, Book A Call with our experts.


Do Not Simply Invest, Make Informed Decisions

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