IDFC Neo Equity Portfolio

Key Portfolio Attributes

Inception Date: 11 Jul 2017

Number of Stocks: Around 35

Fund Manager Name: Dr. Chetan Mehra

Fund Manager Experience: Dr. Chetan Mehra holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science that focused on the data science approach to building smart portfolios. An expert with 2 decades of experience in Investment Management, Quantitative Strategy and Derivatives Analysis

Investment Objective

The portfolio managers believe that investment management is about to witness a fundamental change with the advent of technology applied to data analysis & research, securities selection, and portfolio optimization. Machine learning can play beneficial roles in investment management, especially in applications where there is an abundance of data. IDFC NEO Equity Portfolio seeks to be an all-weather diversified large and mid-capitalized portfolio combining machine learning techniques with portfolio manager expertise. The portfolio will consist of large and mid-capitalized stocks from the S&P BSE 200 index stock universe and can constitute the core long-only equity exposures for clients.

Investment Philosophy

The structure of the Neo investment process seeks to ensure that the Portfolio Manager defines filters and eliminates stocks from the S&P BSE 200 universe. This helps the AI system to identify the right stocks with the best risk-reward balance and algorithmically assign weights.

Investment Framework


S – Sourcing, Screening and analysing data sets

C – Cleaning and curating data which will be fed into the machine.

O – Optimum portfolio identification by the machine programmed by the portfolio manager.

R – Risk Management to maintain desired risk-reward balance.

E – Evolution of the machine by continuous learning for improving portfolio construction.

Risk Management

Not more than 10% of investment focused on one stock with an aim to minimise risk. Not more than 40% of investment focused on one sector with an aim to maintain optimal risk-reward balance.

Performance Table #

Trailing Returns (%) 1m return 3m return 6m return 1y return 2y return 3y return 5y return 10y return Since inception return

QRC Report Card *


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#Returns as of 31 Dec 2024. Returns up to 1 Year are absolute, above 1 Year are CAGR.

*QRC Report Card data is updated quarterly. Current data is as of Sep 21.

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