To see a V or U shape recovery, the government should act a lot more and in a big way, now.

Lockdown 3 is a time for Keynesian Economics theory of total spending in the economy. It is a demand side economic theory, and this is what is needed to be implemented by Indian government and policy makers in current situation.

Indian indices rebounded from their March 2020 lows albeit high liquidity in the global financial markets. The intermittent rally made investors more nervous than happy, and the buzz word in the markets these days is “BEAR Market RALLY, basically talking cues from the earlier falls (especially 2008 one).

We at PMS AIF WORLD do not BELIEVE IN predicting the market and in our view, Bear Rally or not, quality businesses and capable managements, keep making money for the investors, and identifying quality portfolios is what we strive for.

As lockdown is slowly opening, a lot is being debated and discussed over how the Indian markets and economy might react. We believe that the opening and revival of Indian businesses and markets in a planned and organized manner is highly possible.

We bring you the PMS Performance Factsheet for April 2020.  Click the button below to download this performance sheet.

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Take Care,